
               author = "Campanharo, Adriana Susana Lopes de Oliveira and Ramos, Fernando 
          affiliation = "{Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)} and {Instituto Nacional 
                         de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}",
                title = "Hurst exponent estimation of self-affine time series through a 
                         complex network approach",
                 year = "2016",
         organization = "International Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, 6.",
             keywords = "nonlinear dynamics and complex systems, time series analysis, 
                         complex networks, Hurst exponent, quantile graphs.",
             abstract = "Many natural signals present a fractal-like structure and are 
                         characterized by two parameters, \β, the power-spectrum 
                         power-law exponent, and H, the Hurst exponent [1]. For time series 
                         with a self-affine structure, like fractional Gaussian noises 
                         (fGn) and fractional Brownian motions (fBm), the Hurst exponent H 
                         is one of the key parameters. Over time, researchers accumulated a 
                         large number of time series analysis techniques, ranging from 
                         time-frequency methods, such as Fourier and wavelet transforms [2, 
                         3], to nonlinear methods, such as phase-space embeddings, Lyapunov 
                         exponents, correlation dimensions and entropies [4]. These 
                         techniques allow researchers to summarize the characteristics of a 
                         time series into compact metrics, which can then be used to 
                         understand the dynamics or predict how the system will evolve with 
                         time [5]. Obviously, these measures do not preserve all of the 
                         properties of a time series, so there is considerable research 
                         toward developing novel metrics that capture additional 
                         information or quantify time series in new ways [5, 6, 7]. One of 
                         the most interesting advances is mapping a time series into a 
                         network, based on the concept of transition probabilities [5]. 
                         This study has demonstrated that distinct features of a time 
                         series can be mapped onto networks (here called quantile graph or 
                         QG) with distinct topological properties. This finding suggests 
                         that network measures can be used to differentiate properties of 
                         fractal-like time series. In spite of the large number of 
                         applications of complex networks methods in the study time series, 
                         usually involving the classification of dynamical systems or the 
                         identification of dynamical transitions [8], establishing a link 
                         between a network measure and H remains an open question [1]. 
                         Recently, a linear relationship between the exponent of the power 
                         law degree distribution of visibility graphs and H has been 
                         established for noises and motions [9,10]. Here, we show an 
                         alternative approach for the computation of the Hurst exponent 
                         [1]. This new approach is based on a generalization of the method 
                         introduced in Ref. [5], in which time series quantiles are mapped 
                         into nodes of a graph. In this approach, a quantile graph is 
                         obtained as follows: The values of a given time series is 
                         coarse-grained into Q quantiles q1, q2,,qQ. A map M from a time 
                         series to a network assigns each quantile qi to a node ni in the 
                         corresponding network. Two nodes ni and nj are connected with a 
                         weighted arc ni, nj, wij k whenever two values x(t) and x(t + k) 
                         belong respectively to quantiles qi and qj, with t = 1, 2, . . . 
                         ,T and the time differences k = 1, . . . , kmax < T. Weights wij k 
                         are given by the number of times a value in quantile qi at time t 
                         is followed by a point in quantile qj at time t+k, normalized by 
                         the total number of transitions. Repeated transitions through the 
                         same arc increase the value of the corresponding weight. With 
                         proper normalization, the weighted adjacency matrix becomes a 
                         Markov transition matrix. The resulting network is weighted, 
                         directed and connected. Besides, the QG method is numerically 
                         simple and has only one free parameter, Q, the number of 
                         quantiles/nodes [1, 5]. The QG method for estimating the Hurst 
                         exponent was applied to fBm with different H values. Based on the 
                         QG method described above, H was then computed directly as the 
                         power-law scaling exponent of the mean jump length performed by a 
                         random walker on the QG, for different time differences between 
                         the time series data points [1]. Results were compared to the 
                         exact H values used to generate the motions and showed a good 
                         agreement. For a given time series length, estimation error 
                         depends basically on the statistical framework used for 
                         determining the exponent of a power-law model [1]. Therefore, the 
                         QG method permits to quantify features such as long-range 
                         correlations or anticorrelations associated with the signals 
                         underlying dynamics, expanding the traditional tools of time 
                         series analysis in a new and useful way [1,5].",
  conference-location = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos, SP",
      conference-year = "16-20 May",
             language = "en",
        urlaccessdate = "20 set. 2024"
